About the AGWSD

The Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers (AGWSD) is a registered charity founded in 1955 with the aim of helping bring together the community of craft weavers, spinners and dyers. The AGWSD is an umbrella body to which individual Guilds of Weavers Spinners & Dyers are affiliated. The Association co-ordinates national activities on behalf of the guilds, and provides a range of services to guilds and their members. The Association’s primary objectives are:

    • The preservation and improvement of craftsmanship in hand weaving, spinning and dyeing, for the benefit of the public.
    • The promotion of public awareness and education in such craftsmanship.

The Association is entirely run by volunteers from individual guilds who are elected for a term of office at an Annual General Meeting (AGM). There are two elected committees, the General Purposes Committee (GPC) and the Journal Editorial Committee (JEC). Elected members of the GPC are Trustees of the Association.

The Association has over 110 affiliated member guilds, representing over 5,000 members, and 4 associate guilds outside the UK. 

The aim is to support individual Guilds by operating at a national scale with conferences, National Exhibitions, Summer School, publication of The Journal for Weavers, Spinners & Dyers and recognised qualifications certifying individual’s high level of achievement and competence in their chosen craft.

The Association provides an annual report and financial statement to the Charity Commission.