Glamorgan guild

As a small Guild we have found it increasingly difficult to afford guest speakers and so we will predominantly be running open workshops at our new venue, Wenvoe Community Centre in 2024. We’ve put the library down as the location for the purposes of the map, as this will take you to the car park for the community centre.

We hope to have at least one if not more guest speakers throughout the course of the year, other workshops will be run by Guild members passing on their knowledge and other workshops may just have a ‘theme’. These workshops run from 10 am – 4 pm on the 3rd Saturday in the month.

Anyone is welcome to come along and join us, either at our all-day workshops or at our Guild social get-togethers in Roath, which are from 10.30am – 12.30 pm on the 1st Saturday in the month, and are an ideal opportunity to drop in for an informal chat over a cuppa and see who we are and what we get up to.

We hope you call in to see us, like what we do and join us in the wonderful crafts of weaving, spinning and dyeing. You can be assured of a warm welcome.



Meetings location

Wenvoe Community Centre, Wenvoe, Cardiff CF5 6AL (Saturday workshops – 3rd Saturday in every month)
Minster Christian Centre, Roath, Cardiff CF23 5AQ (Saturday Socials – 1st Saturday in every month)

Meetings time

10 am – 4 pm 3rd Saturday each month (Wenvoe) and from 10.30 am – 12.30 pm first Saturday in the month (Roath)
Date Events
16 March 2024 AGM am Open Workshop pm
21 December 2024 Christmas Celebration