London guild

Visitors always welcome – see the list of talks on our website at the link below. Free for full-time students on production of a valid student card; members of Guilds affliated to the AGWSD £5; vistors who are not members of other Guilds £9, this is a contribution to the cost of hall hire. Unless otherwise noted in our programme, meetings start at 2pm with show and tell and notices, speakers’ talks begin at 2.30pm. Please note the meeting place for the Guild has been updated to take effect for meetings from November 2018 onwards.

We have quarterly interest groups for spinning, loom weaving, tapestry weaving and dyeing and we also spin together in the daytime and evening sessions. Contact the Guild if you are interested in find out more about the activities of these groups.




Meetings location

The Carmelita Centre, 41 Vauxhall Walk, London SE11 5JT

Meetings time

2nd Saturday of each month at 2pm