York & District guild

We meet once a month, on the third Saturday of the month (except for December), at Murton Park, Yorkshire Museum of Farming, York.

We hold five general business meetings per year in January, March (AGM), May, July and October. At each of these meetings we also have a speaker on a topic relevant to the crafts..

In the remaining months we hold a skill share meeting, occasionally accompanied by a workshop lead by either a visiting tutor or by one of our in-house experts. December is our festive party meeting, in a different venue, on the first Saturday, and has a more relaxed atmosphere with quizzes and competitions. In September we support World Wide Spin In Public day which coincides with our meeting day.

Additionally we run a small number of workshops on non-guild days, usually with external tutors focussing on a particular aspect of the crafts.

As with most Guilds we hold a variety of craft related equipment for the use of our members free of charge.

Following our enforced success with Zoom meetings under the Covid restrictions, we have run a weekly Wednesday Workshop on zoom, tapping into the body of knowledge within our Guild, many of these are recorded and are available to view to our members on a catch-up service. This series of meetings will, by popular demand and due to our large geographic area, continued after lockdown but on a revised timetable, regular Wednesday Workshops are on the 1st & 5th (if there is one) Wednesdays of each month, the Weaving Group will run their zoom meeting on the 2nd Wednesday in the month, the new knit & crochet group meet on the third Wednesday, and dyers meet on the 4th Wednesday.

We have two technical sub-groups, the weavers and dyers (principally natural) both are working through the zoom platform (see above) and the dyers also work through an email group system.

Members receive a Newsletter, currently bi-monthly, via email or on request post, and we publish an annual magazine covering the proceedings of the previous 12 months: York Yarns.




Meetings location

The Yorkshire Museum of Farming, Murton Park, Murton, York. YO19 5UF

Meetings time

3rd Saturday each month except December, 10.00am for 10.30am start.