Brush up your knowledge with Jill Riley’s back-to-basics Weaving Glossary, clearly explaining the commonly used but sometimes confusing terminology of looms and other equipment. Belinda Rose describes the operation of computer-controlled Jacquard looms, with their myriad of exciting design possibilities. Try eco-friendly dyeing methods by following Aprina Murwanti’s interesting marbling techniques, using vegetable waste from the kitchen. Amanda Hannaford describes how she prepared Cornish camel fibre to produce a subtle natural colour gradient of combed sliver and rolags, ready for spinning.
Our mini-series exploring different approaches to working with colour continues as Theo Wright describes how his designs explore control of colour values, while Isabella Whitworth helps her pupils develop their colour confidence. Christina Chisholm, very often inspired by the natural landscape, describes developing colour design from photograph to woven/knitted sample.
Jessie McCaffrey describes her creation of a traditional Shetland Taatit marriage rug for a wedding gift, we highlight Guild activities around the country and provide reviews of exhibitions and new books to inspire your creative projects.
Title | Author | Page |
Textiles Art Marbling with Plants and Kitchen Waste | Aprina Murwanti | 8 |
Cornish Camels – Spin Local! | Amanda Hannaford | 12 |
What is Jacquard Weaving? pdf | Belinda Rose | 14 |
The Silk Ribbon Weaving Industry in Coventry | Rosalind Lobb | 18 |
A Weave Glossary – Commonly used terms : Looms, Parts and Equipment | Jill Riley | 19 |
Colour and Contrast | Theo Wright | 22 |
Teaching Colour | Isabella Whitworth | 23 |
Colour and Landscape | Christina Chisholm | 24 |
Readers Showcase : The Story of my Taatit Marriage Rug | Jessie McCaffery | 28 |