As the Journal approaches its 70th anniversary, the Journal Editorial Committee has embarked on a major project to upgrade the website to improve its functionality. At present, behind-the- scenes activity when you subscribe, renew a subscription or order a back copy involves a lot of manual data transfer. There is also work to keep the website up to date which is time-consuming. Newer software can make the process more efficient and make the experience of website users (that’s you) better too. This won’t happen immediately; we hope that by the middle of next year you will find the website delivers a much-improved service. The cost of the project will be met from Journal funds – one reason why we need to maintain financial reserves. The Journal has always relied on volunteer committee members to bring it all together and make the administration run smoothly, so we need to use our valuable volunteer time and expertise as efficiently as possible. As Jennie Parry said at the 2021 AGM, this is ‘Gift Time’. In this issue Babs Behan writes about the Bristol Cloth project working to make cloth production local again. Chris Alexander revisits his time running a carpet workshop in Uzbekistan with journeys into Afghanistan to buy natural dyes. Continuing with colour, Theo Wright looks at the interaction of complex patterns and colour; and Stacey Harvey-Brown explores colour- and-weave and shadow weave – from simple but effective to complex. For spinners, tackling a big project can be daunting; Sonya Hammond describes turning several kilos of wool into a big blanket by planning, sampling, then taking it step by step. We have a brief tribute to linen weaver Alison Morton who died this year, and in the first of an occasional series on textile collections, mills and museums, Carol Christiansen explores textiles in the Shetland Museum. A reminder – Guild bulk orders for Journal in 2022 are due; please send your order as soon as you can.
Hilary Miller, Chair, Journal Editorial Committee
Title | Author | Page |
Bristol Cloth | Babs Behan | 8 |
No Colour No Contrast | Theo Wright | 12 |
A Natural Dye Adventure | Chris Aslan Alexander | 16 |
Alison Morton 1946 – 2021 | Jacy Wall | 24 |
Planning and Making a Picnic Blanket | Sonya Hammond | 25 |
Technical Notes: Spinning Ratios | Sonya Hammond | 30 |
Understanding Colour-and-Weave & Shadow Weave | Stacey Harvey-Brown | 32 |
Grand Textilessss from Small Islands | Carol Christiansen | 36 |
Women’s Woven Voices pdf | Brecia Kralovic-Logan | 40 |