Member Guilds of AGWSD

There are over 100 Guilds affiliated to the Association. They are mainly based in the British Isles, but we do have associate guilds overseas and there is an Online guild with members all over the world. Their member numbers range from 10 to over 400 and similarly their activities are very varied.

All land-based Guilds organise a regular programme of meetings with speakers, workshops and social activities and many organise exhibitions and outside demonstrations of their crafts at venues such as agricultural shows, city farms, community centres, stately homes, galleries, maker fairs and so on. Guilds welcome all levels of expertise from beginners to experts and some Guilds have a ‘junior’ group as well. You certainly don’t need to be expert to be a guild member!

Some Guilds are involved in local education and a few have their own workshop premises.

If you are interested in joining a Guild please see the ‘Search‘ page to find one near to you. If you can’t find a Guild near enough to you, you could think about starting one yourself. Please contact the Association Secretary for information on how to do this.

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