Advertise with us

The Journal is a quarterly magazine published in March, June, September and December; it is the only magazine produced in Britain specifically for weavers, spinners and dyers.

Circulation is in the region of 2600 individual subscribers, with subscribers in 25 countries. The Journal is also available at all Guilds (over 100), whose total membership is about 4500, in many college libraries, and is sold at various arts venues around the UK.

Copy Dates

10 November for Spring

10 February for Summer

10 May for Autumn

10 August for Winter

Classified Advertisements

Standard Classified: 40p per word; minimum charge £8.00

Boxed Classified: 50p per word; minimum charge £10.00

Semi Display Classified: May include own artwork; £6.00 per column cm

Display Advertisements: see below

For more details refer to the attached Rate Card, or email the Advertising Manager on

The Journal Display Advertisement rates


Height x width 



 Full page

 270 x 170 mm


 Half page

 130 x 170 mm


 Quarter page

 130 x 82 mm


 Eighth page

 63 x 82 mm            



A 10% discount is offered on all advertisements booked and prepaid for four consecutive issues in advance.
A 50% discount is given for all advertisements placed by the Association and affiliated Guilds, in addition to the 10% given for ads in four issues.

Advertise with us

The Journal is a quarterly magazine published in March, June, September and December; it is the only magazine produced in Britain specifically for weavers, spinners and dyers.

Circulation is in the region of 2600 individual subscribers, with subscribers in 25 countries. The Journal is also available at all Guilds (over 100), whose total membership is about 4500, in many college libraries, and is sold at various arts venues around the UK.

Copy Dates

1st December for Spring issue

1st March for Summer issue

1st June for Autumn issue

1st September for Winter issue

Classified Advertisements

Standard Classified: 40p per word; minimum charge £8.00

Boxed Classified: 50p per word; minimum charge £10.00

Semi Display Classified: May include own artwork; £6.00 per column cm

Display Advertisements: see below

For more details refer to the attached Rate Card, or email the Advertising Manager on

The Journal Display Advertisement rates


Height x width 



 Full page

 270 x 170 mm


 Half page

 130 x 170 mm


 Quarter page

 130 x 82 mm


 Eighth page

 63 x 82 mm            



A 10% discount is offered on all advertisements booked and prepaid for four consecutive issues in advance.
A 50% discount is given for all advertisements placed by the Association and affiliated Guilds, in addition to the 10% given for ads in four issues.